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Главная Новости Все - или почти все 28.10.2020 - отныне печальная дата нежданного и горького ухода нашего давнего и верного друга, настоящего лидера современной вычислительной механики и замечательного человека - Владимира Георгиевича Бельского. Искренние соболезнования семье, друзьям и коллегам. Светлая память....
28.10.2020 - отныне печальная дата нежданного и горького ухода нашего давнего и верного друга, настоящего лидера современной вычислительной механики и замечательного человека - Владимира Георгиевича Бельского. Искренние соболезнования семье, друзьям и коллегам. Светлая память....


Dear friends and family,

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Vladimir Belsky on Wednesday, October 28th.

Please find his obituary below.
We will have a service on Sunday, November 8th, to be followed by an informal outside get-together at our house in Mansfield (1 Noreen Road Mansfield MA).

The service will be live-streamed and you can find the link in the obituary below. (https://vimeo.com/474474296/ae6b1f66aa)
Due to COVID restrictions, we can unfortunately only accommodate a small number of guests. Please be in touch with either Irene or Natalie directly either by text or email if you are able & interested in joining us.

We hope to be able to plan a proper "Celebration of Life" next summer when the circumstances will hopefully be different.

If you are unable to join us but would like to say a few words at the service (in either English or Russian), please send these by email to Natalie (natalie.belsky@gmail.com) ahead of time (by Friday night) and please be mindful of length. We will do our best to have these read out at the service.

Please forward to those who you see fit.
With love,
Ira & Natasha

Vladimir Belsky Obituary

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Vladimir Belsky, 62, on Wednesday, October 28th, after a brief battle with lymphoma. Vladimir was born in Kiev, Ukraine (USSR) on October 13th, 1958 to his parents, Maria and George Belsky. He graduated with high honors from Moscow Civil Engineering University and completed his PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1984. While at university, Vladimir met and fell head over heels for his future wife of 38 years, Irene Belsky (Genkina). They welcomed a daughter, Natalie, in 1985.

In 1993, Vladimir, Irene and Natalie immigrated to the United States where Vladimir completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York. He later found his professional home at Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen (now Simulia) where he worked for 24 years and became Director of Solver Development. He was universally loved and respected by his colleagues in the US and all over the world for his extraordinary abilities, dedication and good humor.

Vladimir's honesty, integrity and humility were felt by all who knew him. He believed in leading by example, and was deeply committed to his family, his friends, his colleagues and his profession. Though Vladimir often kept his emotions close to the chest, he was always genuine -- when he said something, he meant it and you knew it came from the heart.

Vladimir enjoyed traveling, biking, downhill skiing and tennis. When not on the slopes, the tennis courts or at work, Vladimir could be found enjoying an evening with friends and family, relaxing in his sauna or watching foreign films (especially those featuring his favorite actress, Juliette Binoche) with his real-life leading ladies. He was very proud of his family and could often be overheard bragging about his wife’s and daughter’s accomplishments.

Vladimir is survived by his father George, his wife Irene, his daughter Natalie and her fiance Chris Denzler, his sister-in-law and brother-in-law Svetlana and Yuri Shkuratov and their children Marina Pullerits and Artem Shkuratov. He was preceded in death by his mother, Maria Belsky (Klein), and his grandparents.

Services will be held at Sherman & Jackson Funeral Home on 55 North Main Street in Mansfield, MA on Sunday, November 8th, 2020 at 12pm.

The service will be live-streamed at the following link: https://vimeo.com/474474296/ae6b1f66aa

In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to a fund to support research in Vladimir’s field of computational science: https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-honor-of-vladimir-belsky

Дата публикации: 04.11.2020
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